
Sep 182014

Prosperity Mantra? Hocus-pocus nonsense? Well, we can assure you, they are NOT… and one famous entrepreneur (Steve Jobs) who changed the world through his business and inventions would assure you too..

Below we want to share Steve’s personal life mantra with you, but first just a little info on…

What is a Mantra?

Most people don’t even know what mantras are, let alone live by them. They live their entire lives steeped in self-doubts and fears, and come up with convenient excuses when they find themselves unable to get past obstacles in their lives. That is the primary reason why they will never achieve abundant wealth.

A mantra is a personal statement that you live by and focus on – more than just “positive affirmations”, a mantra is a single, more personally thought out affirmation which stays with you.. it becomes part of you.. and you live to your mantra.. in essence you manifest your mantra and become it!

A mantra can have the potential to completely change your life, by giving you the ability to attract limitless abundance of wealth and prosperity. But before we take a look at how Prosperity Mantra can transform your life, we must first understand what mantras are in the first place.

Who Uses Mantras?

What about successful people then? Do they have mantras? Do they use some secret weapon to achieve success? How are they different from people who languish in failure?

The short answer – these 2 groups of people are very different from each other.

For successful people, it is a foregone certainty that each and every single one of them shares this one common trait – the mantra. In other words, they owe their corporate success to their own mantras, be it wealth or general or inspirational in nature.

One of the more successful examples is the creator of the ubiquitous Apple products you see people using everywhere these days;
Steve Jobs.

Right from the beginning, Steve Jobs stuck to a mantra that would be pervasive throughout his entire life – its really simple actually – his key to life, his single most important thing is the process of simplifying everything:


Make Your Own Prosperity Mantra!

This is actually an excerpt from this free ebook – the next chapter shows you how to build your very own prosperity mantra in 3 simple steps – download the full ebook for free here:

prosperity-mantra-ebook-downloadp.s. do you have your own mantra? Please leave a comment and share it, I’d love to hear it! – Or read the mini report ^ and then come back and post your prosperity mantra!

Dec 122013

This is our main education resource area. Aside from our blog, this area acts a collection of core information to take you from newcomer to comfortable with subliminal audio. If you have zero knowledge but you are curious to know more then this is where you should start.

This area will answer everything you need to know to clear up any misconceptions, to understand what subliminal audio is, how it works, and how it can be used to benefit you. It’s also true that it isn’t for everyone, that it is just one method and quite a simple and passive one at that – so this isn’t just a salespitch.

The information here will explain what subliminal audio is in a no-nonsense, conversational manner so you can see if it is right for you, or not 🙂

Now grab a cup of tea, and happy reading 🙂
